While the College sponsors a lot of events leading up to our 50th, many of us get together from time to time for some event, or just to mingle.  Send us pictures and descriptions, and we’ll post them for all to see.

April, 2024:  Classmates attend Gordon Clapp’s performance of “Robert Frost:  Verse Business” at the Calderwook Pavilion” in Boston.

Winter Study 2020:  Steve and Dave teach their mock trial course again, and several other classmates tell us about the courses they taught.

The Great Society: Classmates attend Gordon Clapp’s portrayal of J. Edgar Hoover at the Lincoln Center on November 16, 2019.

Visit to Brandywine Museum, May 3, 2019

Rob Farnham’s Texas Trip, April 8 – 11, 2019

Trick or Treat:  Gene Bauer, along with Steve and Sue Brown and a few others, see Gordon Clapp perform, February 16, 2019

Winter Study 2019:  Steve Brown and Dave Olson co-teach a course on mock trials, with help from classmates.

Shock and Awe:  A screening of the film about John Walcott’s reporting.

Rob Farnham’s West Coast Trip, April 16 – 21, 2018